Methodologies: A View from Accucise Diagnostics

Based on high specificity and strong affinity of antigen-antibody interaction, a variety of immunoassay methodologies have been established and are being used for clinical diagnostics in different medical settings. Immunoassays are classified in different ways, often unsystematically or incompletely, and based on different criteria.1 According to the key substances in the signal generating process, Accucise Diagnostics Inc. systematically classifies most of the clinical immunoassay methods for educational use. 

The platform technology developed by Accucise Diagnostics belongs to ECL, but based on NRC, a patented light-emitting molecule. Please click "EECL" for more information.

1Such criteria include the nature of detectable signals (light, sound, electricity, magnetism, etc.); liquid handling processes (manual or automated); reaction vessels; the application settings; whether a solid/liquid separation step is needed; whether an energy transfer occurs during signal generation; and whether the excitation and signal readout take place at the same time.
