The innovation at the heart of the top technology

Since its debut in medical diagnostics in the late 1990s, the electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassay has been closely tied to the light-emitting molecule ruthenium tris-bipyridine. While the first-in-class ECL label is superb, the search for best-in-class signaling molecules for enhancing assay performance has been ongoing, though it has been unsuccessful until now.

We at Accucise Diagnostics Inc. have made an innovation in the ECL immunoassay that reaches deep into the molecular level. With fundamentally refined technology and better understanding of unmet medical needs in certain markets, we strive to re-shape the immunoassay landscape and improve community healthcare by introducing our Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence (EECL) platform technology and products to a range of medical settings.

The enhancement means something more

No mistake should be made in understanding the role a brighter ECL luminophore can play and the outcome it can bring. As a new platform technology, the EECL does not necessarily raise the ECL signal level for easier detection (as detecting a low level signal is not a technical issue in the ECL system), but rather detects the analyte earlier or in a more precise manner.

The changes Accucise Diagnostics has made lie in not only the ECL label, but also the coupling chemistry on the surface of magnetic beads, and the electrochemistry in the measuring cell. Together, these improvements redefine the ECL with the following extra features:

■  Shorter incubation time (5 minute STAT kits will be available)

■  Better response-dose relationship at the lower end of concentration

■  Higher signal-to-noise ratio

■  Free of interference from both biotin and anti-streptavidin antibody
